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علي الخزاعي

ولد الشاعر علي الخزاعي عام 1963 في بغداد.

Ali Al-Khuzaie

Ali Al-Khuzaie was born in 1963 in Baghdad in Iraq. His father, Mohammed Sabir Al-Khuzaie was an educational inspector and a dedicated Arabic language teacher. In 1982 he traveled to Jordan to study electrical engineering at the Arab Community College. In the meanwhile, he was attracted to discover the classic Arabic language and literature. He began to thrive in the seas of the old Arabic history and poetry to study the ancient and the genuine Arabic language and literature. He was enchanted by the genuine classic Arabic literature and began to learn about The Science of ‘Arud’ which was the science of prosody. He also studied the Science of 'Balaghah' (a science that deals with the eloquence of speech and poetry). He also explored and studied the rhythmical poetry styles which is known for the Seas in Arabic; Al-buhur. He occasionally read poetry on the stage for events for his university. However, he was forced to migrate to Norway in 1989 due to political issues. He was still linked to an Iraqi community in Norway and was relatively a known poet as he read some of his poems in cultural, religious events, and in other literary forums. Currently, he lives in London and occasionally has poetic participation. His current book was the journey of thirty-five years as this is the summary of years of thriving in the world of Arabic classic poetry and literature.


ديوان قلائد العشاق

فالشعرُ كما يُقالُ هو الكلامُ الذي يَقولهُ الشُعراءُ ، وهو بَعدُ مَلكةٌ كلاميةُ ذاتُ ميزانٍ لا يَحيدُ عن أصولهِ ول تَحيدُ ، وقد شَرعتُ في قولِ الشعرِ و أنا ابنُ ثماني عشِرةَ سنةً على أختبارِ السجيةِ فيهِ ولمْ أكنْ أعرفُ أصولَهُ ولا أوزانَهُ حقَّ معرفتِِا حتى نبهت إلى ذلَكَ فارعَويتُ إليها وثَنيتُحِيالَها عِنانَ القوافي وجَذبتُ إليها أزِمَّةَ الإصغاءِ فأنخت بها رَواحلَ المعاني ونَزلتُ بها على الحشوِ والأعاريضِ والأضرُبِ ولمْ يَكنْ عندي يومَها مِنا لأسبابِ ما يَدفعُني إلى نظمِ القريضِ فكنتُ أقولُهُ في غيرِ سِمطِهِ و أنظِمُهُعلى غيرِ خيطهِ ، حتى قَرَعْتُ بابَ العشرينَ إذ دَعاهُ إليَّ داعي الُِدعاةِ وَواصلُ الحلقاتِ ، وجامعُ الخرَزاتِ ، عن كل ماضٍ فيهِ وآتِ ، فدَ بّسودائي دَبيبُهُ ، وطبَّبَ نَفرتي طبيبُهُ ، ولمْ تَلتَثْ دون عَويصَتُهُ ، ولمْ أرتَبْ وقد رَبَّتهُ بِعُش بَلابلي رَبيبته. غيرَ أني مِن بعدِ ذلَكَ أدَرتُ عنهُ مِقْوَدا، وقَعدْتُ عنهُ مَقَعدا، أنَخلُهُ بمُنخُلِ المُنخِل، و أغرِبلُهُ بغربالِ المغرِبل ، فأ تلَفتُ مِنهُ ما أتلَفتُ، ونَقمتُ منهُ مانَقمتُ ، واعلمْ أيُُّّها الفاضلُ الذي لا تَلبُدُ عنهُ خفايا معانيهِ كما :-
يَلبُدُ الوردُ السَبَنتى       وَلهُ بَعدُ افتراسُ

Author: Ali Al-Khuzaie
Publisher:  London Printing & Publishing
Current Edition: 1st
Language: Arabic
Dimensions: 21 X 14.8 cm

Publishing Date:  2018

Pages: 218

Weight: 360 gm

ISBN: : 978-1-912410-14-9

Price: £8.00

علي الخزاعي

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